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What would be your reaction to the placing of tenants in your street that had a history of intimidation and "anti-social behaviour"?

What if they had a criminal record?

Find out what's going on around you.... click the crime map and enter your post code. Note: this site only gives details back to December 2010

Example: CR2 6HQ.


“We haven’t had a problem so it doesn’t affect us” maybe not directly, however South Croydon is in danger of becoming a "dumping ground" therefore this has an impact on everybody..higher insurance premiums, decline and degradation of the area which could make South Croydon less attractive to buyers and reputable landlords.


Cases have been reported that involve serious and malicious allegations being made to both the Police and Local Authorities, residents have been threatened, intimidated and verbally abused with women and the elderly being particularly vunerable..residents have been forced to move with the Police and the authorities doing nothing despite the number of cases or their seriousness. The manager of a local business has been threatened with arson and the workshop staff intimidated....there are many more cases all have been surpressed or trivialised by both the police and the authorities responsible for providing housing for tenants that have already proved a problem elsewhere.

Croydon Council – Public Safety:

Croydon Council Anti-social behaviour:

London & Quadrant - Judith During:

Local MP: Richard Ottaway: (Mr Ottaway is the only official to have offered continual support and taken matters up with both the Metropolitan Police & the Housing Association) Our Local Council and Councillors (Conservative & Labour) Are Not Interested.

The authorities actively seek to cover up, isolating incidents and the victims as well as drawing attention away from what is already on record.

South Croydon Information

Police lies

"Police Ignore 40% of crime"

click pic to see article in the Express

Speak out against bully neighbour

Click Pics

 In July 2010 when the overwhelming majority of residents supported the successful “Say No to CPZ” campaign (controlled parking zone) the Police were contacted by an individual who claimed to have seen a group carrying petrol cans who were allegedly asking about residents, emails were received at the same time by organisers, these contained slanderous accusations and more disturbingly outlined the fact that residents in support of the rejection of the CPZ,  had dropped kerbs installed or owned more than one vehicle could be the victims of arson, have their vehicles damaged and  would be targeted for hate crimes & abuse. This is clearly a "sick" individual.....

known to the Police?

Why have the Police not spoken to the residents or traced the email?

Somebody will know who is responsible for making these threats...

or do they already know?

Would it suit Croydon Council if organisers

moved so they can try again?


Croham SNT say the area is a problem, why is that?.. why do the same things keep happening and more importantly why have they failed to address this resulting in an ever increasing number of victims over the last 6 years. The police say all of these "incidents" are separate, why is that if the same person is responsible? Why have victims been unaware that other residents have also suffered? the whole issue appears to be deliberately kept quite. According to a senior officer's response to the local MP one of the reasons why there has not been a prosecution is  that "residents have been too afraid to press charges in the past". This statement proves the point  however it is unfounded as far as victims not wanting to press charges as they have in fact been discouraged or not even given the opportunity. The truth is they don't want the extent of the problem and their poor handling of it revealed.

The Metropolitan Police are under direction from the Independent Police Complaints Commission to explain this large number of incidents, their failure to take any meaningful action and in particular why they have failed to investigate the email threats which are a crime. Three appeals have been upheld by the IPCC who will now ovesee an investigation by the Serious Misconduct Investigation Unit of Croydon Police officers.

Having taken nearly 3 years so far this is not only a poor reflection on our local Police and their commitment to the safety and wellbeing of the residents but of their professionalism and integrity.

The law states:

"All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law"

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 MP receives threats and rightly informs the Police.

Man arrested over Twitter threats

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