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Are we now allowed to comment on a L&Q article?... Considering threats from L&Q about tenants posts and removal of posts plus all the L&Q articles on this website with their comments sections disabled - I'll wait a confirmation before daring to post my opinion.... The only think I ask, is Rev Stacey still alive? Because I am sure he would be more interested in what I have to say about L&Q than the current L&Q chair and executive.

Unsuitable or offensive?


Housing Associations have been working as private landlords for at least a decade. ..quote from SimonW.
Dont be fooled by the 'Social' aspect of these greedy organisations...they have thrived since local authorities started(and still are) getting out of social housing provision...check out some of the CEO salaries... PA, Perks ...slick execs with propery portfolios and sharkskin suits... these housing 'empires' being funded mainly from H/Benefit..ok quite a few low paid tenants who pay full rent..but these are the people that H/A's are MEANT to help..New Labour boasted of off-loading 2,000,000 council properties on to RSL's(Registered Social Landlords) by fair or foul means.

"Inside Housing" - Reader Comments

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